Tuesday 22 November 2016

Advantages and Uses of Polycarbonate Sheets

Polycarbonate sheet is a building material that is used instead of glass in different applications. It contains BPA or Bisphenol A which gives it a glossy appearance. It is the presence of BPA that adds strength and durability of these building sheets. Compare to glass, the material is resistant to breakages and provides lot of flexibility. It is available in sheets of different thickness.

The Polycarbonate sheets suppliers in Mumbai can be used for a wide range of applications. It is used for windows and doors as an alternative to glass materials. Because of its several advantages it finds huge application in many modern home decors. It is also used in showers and pool enclosures, balconies and greenhouses, eye lenses and compact discs.

Some of the advantages and features of polycarbonate sheets in Maharashtra and other parts are:

  • Light in weight: Compare to other type of building materials, the sheets are light in weight. Therefore it is easy to install these sheets effortlessly.
  • Wide range of options: When using these building materials, Polycarbonate sheets suppliers in Mumbai have wide range of options. Designers can use it differently to add to the beauty of the decor. It is fixed mostly with the help of support poles and screws. However, it is easy to weld these sheets.
  • Flexibility: Being highly flexible these sheets can be transformed into different shapes.
  • Resistant to damages: Polycarbonate solid sheet suppliers supply sheets that are highly resistant to damages, it does not shatter like glass hence it can be safely used.
  • Sound Barrier: one of the main reasons for using polycarbonate sheets is that it acts as a perfect sound barrier. It can be used in rooms such as conference rooms and other places which require privacy.
  • Weather resistant: It can be used in office spaces as well as homes as it is weather resistant. It is also flame resistant making it safe to use.
  • Control infiltration: Infiltration of ultraviolet rays can be controlled with the help of polycarbonate sheets. It is also used in patios and terraces so as to offer protection against rain and harmful UV rays.
Though it provides several advantages, it is prone to damages when exposed to very high temperatures. When used for prolonged periods of time, the sheets tend to develop scratches and also may appear dull. Since it contains BPA it should not be used to store food items as it may be hazardous to health and should be used carefully.

Such sheets are available in different thickness and sizes. Though a bit expensive the benefits that the sheets provide is enormous.

1 comment:

  1. Polycarbonate Greenhouse Panels are often balancing a combination of requirements, such as thermal benefits, protection from the sun, ease of installation and durability.
