Thursday, 25 August 2016

Plastic Sheets- The ideal alternative to steel

The versatile plastic products are now ideal for engineering and construction substances. And what more, the already available plastic is now being recycled and diverted to form plastic sheeting that is further used to create homes or provide glazing and other purposes. In fact, special designs and materials like Polycarbonate Corrugated Sheet, Polycarbonate Profiled sheets etc are being used globally. They have different classifications ranging from outdoor roofing applications and window frames.  

Plastic sheeting is a good alternative to the expensive steel.

There are several types of plastic sheeting available in the market. The best part is most of them are reliable and high quality made. The intensity of the color combines good illumination, wide range of opaque translucent and transparent. One can create their own project as per their demand as these sheets are easy to shape and also blend well with finished surfaces and tough hardness of chemical and weather. 

These polycarbonate sheets are most natural amongst the plastic products. It constitutes clear and translucent quality plastic that is heat resistant to up to 145 degrees. It remains unaffected by water and acid substances. These are best for conduction as well as electronic applications. 

Polycarbonate sheets by KapoorPlastics are engineering with advance practices in order to meet the reinforced shape and are of great use for those who love to fabricate their own design forms. These sheeting substances have best dimensional stability and superior resistance to heat and temperature. 

Friday, 12 August 2016

Get more Natural Light in Home with this Material

Having a big house to illuminate? It is not hard to find people who are looking for smart roofing solution for their homes and also want to save on expenses while getting unhindered illumination? After all, in order to illuminate your big home, keeping lights on is always a big expense. Not only is it expensive but also wasteful of energy, depleting our natural resources as well. By using alternatives like Polycarbonate Transparent Roofing Sheet, not only you will be saving your own energy bills but also making a significant contribution to the mother Earth. All of it doesn’t sound great? How about saving on expenses without even destroying the beauty and aesthetics of your home? If you are interested then here is something for you!

Transparent Polycarbonate Sheet for Roofs

Polycarbonate roofs and Lexan Polycarbonate films are being used extensively used in residential and commercial building these days. If you require some low cost roofing material and options then head over to Polycarbonate Roofing Sheets Suppliers. Your home might be a potential area for aesthetical beautification and using concrete or cement made roof with opaque look is not only boring and regular but also kills the beauty of high rise buildings. These transparent films are highly durable, inexpensive, easier to purchase and ideal for commercial and household applications. Most of the new constructions these days are using multi panel polycarbonate sheets for roofing purpose.

Monday, 8 August 2016

Beyond the Greenhouse Glazing: Multiwall polycarbonate sheet

Though polycarbonate multiwall sheet are most often used for greenhouse glazing, one cannot rule out their benefits and multipurpose applications. Let’s have a look where all you can use multiwall polycarbonate panels apart from the regular applications:

1. We are being used as patio covers: Polycarbonate multiwall panels are ideal to be used for patio covers. They are easy to cover up the patio without sacrificing the natural light and bringing the ideal protection from the rains and the sun. They are durable than the regular fabrics as well.

2. Making Hurricane Shutters: There are people who use polycarbonate sheets for hurricane shutter systems.  Though there are particular specifications of using them but the hurricane shutter made of polycarbonate are much better and light then the plywood covers. They are even more protective for you and your belongings.

3. Polycarbonate sheets are also great or interiors and they have been used to build cubicle walls. With proper light transmission they feel less claustrophobic. The small space between the twin wall polycarbonate walls will distort the view giving you the desired amount of privacy.

4. Twinwall polycarbonate panels are also used for solar panels. And they are told that they work really great. Just keep in mind that this won’t come under warranties as they will be exposed to high temperature. These polycarbonate sheets are also being used to create car washes.

These are just general application areas. Don’t let your imaginations bound your thoughts.